Department of Conventions and Conference Planning (DCCP)

The DCCP provides the following to the hosting parishes:

All Parish Life Conferences and Archdiocesan Conventions are required to use the Antiochian Events Registration System. The DCCP requires all Parish Life Conferences and Archdiocesan Conventions to charge a processing fee to all teens, adults, and clergy who do not purchase any event ticket(s) to offset administrative expenses. It is the policy of the DCCP that no event ticket has a price less than the price of the processing fee; see Policies and Requirements for more information.

Potential host parishes should not contact hotels until they contact the DCCP Co-chairs. No contract or any form of commitment can be made without the guidance and approval of the DCCP.

For more information on planning and hosting the PLC or Archdiocesan Convention, email the DCCP at