Dioceses of New York and Charleston & the Mid-Atlantic

Parish Life Conference: Antiochian Village (June 25th - 29th)

Hosted by Diocesan Ministry Council

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Each year the Antiochian Archdiocese, through the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, in conjunction with the DCCP, manages three festival competitions held at the PLC. See descriptions below.

PLC Theme: “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)

Creative Festivals (Deadline: April 1st, 2025)

Based on the annual Archdiocese PLC theme, the children/teens (Grades Pre-K – High School) create original works in the following areas to compete with other parishes in their Diocese. Each diocese shall award winners for each category for each grade level, and the winners are presented to the presiding Bishop at the Parish Life Conference: This allows the youth to expand on their individual creativity based on the annual Conference Theme.

  • Arts (Conventional or Digital): Create an original Art Display (physical/digital) based on the Conference Theme

  • Photography: Take a photograph that represents the Conference Theme

  • Poetry: Write a poem, based on the Conference Theme

  • Writing: Write a formal essay on the Conference Theme

  • Video: Create a video based on the Conference Theme

Bible Bowl (Deadline: June 11th, 2025)

At the Parish Life Conference, each Parish provides a three-member team to compete against other parishes on one book from the Bible. This years competition will be based on the Gospel of St. Luke. Below are the different Divisions:

  • Pre-Teen Category: Ages 10-12

  • Teen Division: Ages 13-19 - The winner of the Senior Teen Division will represent the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West and compete against other Dioceses at either the Archdiocese Convention (odd year) or Mid-Summer meeting (even year)

  • Adults: Ages 20 and over

Oratorical Festival (Deadline: June 11th, 2025)

Teens will present an oral presentation at the Parish Life Conference based on the Conference theme and will be judged based on the content and structure of the presentation. They will compete against teens from other parishes of the diocese in either of these two divisions:

  • Junior: Ages 13-15 years old

  • Senior: Ages 16-19 years old - The winner of this division will represent the Diocese at either the Archdiocese Convention (odd year) or Mid-Summer meeting (even year). Each Diocese will assist the winning team with a stipend to cover some of the expenses.